WOW I just read an article* about the history of Raggedy Ann and watched a video* about vaccines that sent chills through my whole body!
I used to love Raggedy Ann & Andy when I was younger so I was curious when I saw an article about their history and after reading the article and watching the videos I am totally speechless because this brings up a lot of questions for me. Raggedy Ann was created by a father whose daughter “lost all muscle control, becoming listless and lifeless like a rag doll” after receiving vaccinations. It is completely blowing my mind right now because I was paralyzed from the waist down at age 2 and the doctor didn’t know why but their best guess was a virus. Luckily, I recovered a few months later but my whole life, I have had so much sickness & unexplained illness and the doctors still don’t know why I am dealing with constant pain and so many health issues today. Could it all be related?
For the past 3 years and counting, I have been questioning everything as I am sure many people do who have illness or chronic disease, especially ones that are unexplained, in hopes that an answer would lead to a solution.
All the doctors I have seen and all the research I have done has so far been unsuccessful in curing the chronic daily pain and all the other health issues. With all the research, there are always conflicting sides that make it so hard to know which path is the right one…Western Medicine vs. Eastern Medicine, Pharmaceuticals vs. Supplements and Nutrition, Vaccination vs. Non-Vaccination, GMO vs. Non-GMO, Conventional vs. Organic, Regular products vs. Non-toxic products, Fluoride vs. No Fluoride, Plastic vs. Glass or Stainless Steel, Non-stick cookware vs. cast iron or ceramic, and the list goes on and on.
Western Medicine (aka conventional/traditional) separates the body into parts, has a specialist for each part, & focuses mainly on treatment with pharmaceuticals. Eastern Medicine (aka holistic/alternative/natural) is a whole body approach which views the body as a whole and focuses on finding the root cause along with incorporating lifestyle changes including nutrition, exercise, self-care, energy work, and the mind-body-spirit connection. As a patient who has tried countless avenues in both Western and Eastern medicine, it is so frustrating and confusing when most of the Western doctors look down on and even laugh at Eastern medicine. I don’t think that one way is right and one way is wrong because I believe that both have a place in treatment and healing but I do wish they could be incorporated and work together because it would be for the best interest of the patient and could lead to faster healing. After seeing so many doctors and practitioners, I am left confused not knowing which path is best for me to get myself better and healthy again.
With so many differing sides and views, how do we know what path to take? How do we know what caused an issue in our body? How do we know what will lead to healing and be best for future prevention? How do we know if an issue is caused by the vaccines we were given or by the chemicals, pesticides, and toxins found in everything from our food & water, the air we breathe, the products we use, the clothes we wear, the sheets & bed we sleep on, the furniture, flooring, & paint we live with everyday, and so on. I recently read an article* about inflammation which stated that according to the Global Healing Center, we are taking in roughly two million toxins daily but our bodies can only handle one million toxins daily. Could an overabundance of toxins and chemicals be overloading our body? Are all these health issues and diseases happening because our bodies just can’t handle the extra chemicals and toxins? Have our bodies not been able to evolve as quickly as these chemicals and toxins are being created?
There are so many unanswered questions but I can’t ignore the fact that with the increase in vaccinations, chemicals, and toxins and the further we move away from nature’s creations to lab creations that there is also a rise of illness, disease, obesity, and mental disorders.
I had vaccines as a kid and I have eaten processed food for the majority of my life and I have also had unexplained illnesses and have been constantly sick my whole life. Could that just be because I was born this way or could it be that the vaccines, chemicals, and toxins hindered my immune system from fully developing to protect me from all the health issues I have had and continue to have? The video*, Silent Epidemic; The Untold Story of Vaccines, states that your immune system isn’t fully developed until age 3 yet children are given vaccines starting right after birth. With all the controversy out there, I don’t know where I stand yet as far as vaccinations because I haven’t done enough research on the topic but I will definitely be doing a lot more research before I have kids of my own after watching this video. How could I not be totally confused and hesitant about vaccines when I don’t know if it was possibly the cause of my own lifelong health issues.
Why was I was paralyzed from the waist down at age 2? Why did I have constant ear infections? Why was I constantly getting sick growing up? Why have I had mono twice, Bells Palsy, Ovarian Cysts/Endometriosis, asthma, allergies, chronic daily headache, fatigue, depression and all kinds of other health issues? Is it because of vaccines or the countless antibiotics or all the processed chemical ladened food? Is it just coincidence?
As of right now, I just don’t know what is causing me so many health issues and so much constant pain but I do know that I have lived the conventional way, taking every prescribed medication and eating the Standard American Diet, for most of my life and it hasn’t gotten me anywhere but sicker and fatter.
When I first found out what a GMO was back in September 2013, it changed my world and I started to change my whole life. My research has lead me to the place I am now. I haven’t healed yet but my body feels healthier. I have had so many ups and downs along my journey to healing but every time I feel lower than I ever thought possible, I come out on the other side stronger. I have done and will continue to do whatever I can to be completely healthy again.
I have seen so many conventional doctors that they have basically all hit a wall and have actually told me they just don’t know what else to do for me. I have tried so many pharmaceutical drugs to get better but they didn’t help or worse the side effects made me feel worse. I am so determined to get better that I will try anything whether it is Western or Eastern medicine. The thing with going the holistic route is that it isn’t always quick, fast, or easy. Instead of a band-aid to temporarily fix the issue, a holistic way of life focuses on lifestyle changes and creating your healthiest body so that the body can heal and protect itself. I want to get healthy for life and not just find a quick fix so I am allowing myself to be patient and have faith.
My goal is to get healthy to not only heal myself but also for prevention of future health issues. A positive bonus to focusing on being healthier is that I have gone from 158 pounds which is considered overweight for my height of 5’3″ to 120 pounds which is in my healthy weight range and I have maintained my weight for over a year now. I eat a whole foods diet that is non-GMO and Organic, I use non-toxic products, I drink filtered water, use glass/stainless steel/ceramic/cast iron, and I practice self-care daily. I am still working up to regular exercise but these changes didn’t happen overnight and I am sure I will continue to make changes for the rest of my life. Because I have been making gradual changes, I feel that I am able to sustain these changes and I am so excited because it just feels right. I am learning to follow my intuition and I am doing what I believe is best for me and my body.
Although I may never really know the cause of all my health issues, I am learning how to be healthier and I am choosing to stay on the holistic path because in my research I have seen so many people get well, reverse their illness and disease, and become healthier and happier than they ever thought possible. I have faith that I will be a success story one day and that what I am doing is going to make me healthier, stronger, and better than I ever imagined!
*The Raggedy Ann article:
*The video – Silent Epidemic; The Untold Story of Vaccines:
*The article about inflammation: